
  1. How to iterate huge query results in Magento 2

    Working with Magento 2 we often use collections to fetch and work with data from our database. For the most part thes...

  2. Why overtime is destroying your team

    Anyone who has worked in a team that I’ve managed knows that I’m categorically against the idea of overtime.Most engi...

  3. 4 byte UTF-8 characters with Doctrine and MySQL

    I was recently working on a personal project where I needed to store UTF-8 characters such as emojis in a MySQL TEXT ...

  4. Chrome is the new IE6

    Google Chrome. The saviour of the browser. The best rendering engine in all of the land, or at least that’s how it fe...

  5. How Slack improved our productivity

    As programmers we generally hate disruption. We get halfway through writing a test to have someone interrupt our flow...

  6. Why soft deletes are evil and what to do instead

    For a long time I’ve always thought that soft deletes are the “right way” of deleting records from your database. Lik...

  7. Running PHPUnit with HHVM on Mac OSX

    If you are a PHP developer who is still yet to hear about HHVM (HipHop Virtual Machine) then you must have been livin...

  8. Upgrading Homebrew packages on OSX Mavericks

    After upgrading to OSX Mavericks today I discovered my PHP 5.5 install (via homebrew) to be broken, which is pretty m...

  9. Displaying exception messages in a Symfony production environment

    When we throw an exception in our Symfony applications, we can be quite lazy and have Symfony catch it for us anddisp...

  10. Truncating tables via Doctrine 2.x in MySQL

    I recently stumbled across a question wheresomebody was having problems with foreign key constrai...

  11. Emulating hash indexes on MyISAM tables

    Database administration is possibly the scariest concept for me as a developer, mainly because I have neglected it fo...